Friday, February 8, 2008

"The dead end road"...A closer look at stippling (ink dots) continued

Now this will be the final look at stippling before I get back to the pieces progression. I have attempted to enlarge a section where I have a more softer stippling pattern on the snow and pillars. The stippling here may seem less involved then the previous example but it is just as difficult and sometimes much harder just for the fact that when you are trying for many differences in the tones and textures and you want to do a very even and continuous shade, one little misplaced stroke of the pen can cause BIG headaches and can ruin a piece. Try to study how I evenly place stippling for the front of the pillars using my .25 mm pen and then how I have a much tighter, slightly overlapping stippling pattern for the side in shadow using my .30 mm pen. Now lets look at the shadows in the snow. I used only my .25 mm pen and have kept a fairly solid tight stippling pattern ONLY loosening as I indicate lighter and lighter shading in the lumps and shapes of the piled snow. I will be coming back to this later also to add more depth to the shading once more of the piece is completed.

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