Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"The dead end road"...A closer look at stippling (ink dots)

I want to take a closer look at stippling. It's extremely difficult to explain how to "stipple" over this blog and have you comprehend what it is I am trying to pass to you. So I want you to study this photo enlarged to let you take a closer look at how I actually stipple. Stippling is not just random quick dots laid down quickly. Chances are if you do try and do very quickly it will look bad and you most likely are doing great damage to your pens because if you are trying to do this quickly, you are jamming the tip of your pen down way to hard and this will bend the fragile pin like tips of the pens. You have to do not so much slowly as carefully. Study how the stippling is basically well placed and spaced and ONLY begins closing when I want to indicate shading. The "self portrait" is only roughly 7" inches high and about 3" inches wide.

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